TSLgirl Ambassador Programme


Love the bags we designed? Taking #ootd with TSL bags all the time? Always spreading the love for TSL bags?

We are looking for you!

Our TSLgirl Ambassadors Program is built to let you experience & share your love for our products with your local & digital communities. As our ambassador, you’ll be able to create authentic styled images &/or videos to showcase our bags & how it fits into your lifestyle.


  • Receive 1-2 bags a month
  • Have your own unique discount to share with your family, friends & followers


  • Have an active social media account (Instagram, TikTok, Lemon8, XiaoHongShu)
  • Minimum 1,500 followers on Instagram OR Minimum 3000 followers on TikTok.
  • Post a minimum of 2 content per bag received on any of your social media platform (Instagram, TikTok, Lemon8, XiaoHongShu)
  • Send us a picture of you styling with the bag 

Sign up here for more details!

TSLgirl sign up form

Shortlisted Candidates will be contacted.